B.Phil.,Gregorian, Rome. B.D., Urban Rome. Phil. L, Gregorian, Rome. Ph.D., Gregorian.
B.Phil, Urban, Rome. B.A., Religin, UNN. M.A., Theology, Duquesne, USA. M.A. Canon & Civil Law, Lateran, Rome, Ph.D., Canon & Civil Law, Lateran Rome.
B.Phil, Urban, Rome. B.A Phil. UNIPORT. B.A., Religion, UNN. M.A., Theology, Duquesne, USA
B.Phil, Urban, Rome. B.A., Religion, UNN. M.A., Theology, Duquesene, USA. M.A. Phil, IMSU. Ph.D., Phil. IMSU
B.Phil, Urban, Rome. B.A Phil. UNIPORT. B.D Rome. Dip. Formation, Spain.
Bsc. (Est Mgt) ESUT, B. Phil, Urban Rome, B. A. Religion UNN. M.A. (Theo). Duquesene USA.
CIP celebrates Solemnity of Christ the king .
SUCIP Symposium -Personal development: a yardstick for successful living, unlocking possibilities by EZEH EMMANUEL ONYEDIKACHUKWU..
World Philosophy Day - 15 November.
Solemnity of Saint Anthony Mary Claret - Bishop and Founder of Claretian Congregation.